Project Results
The project will directly contribute to the achievement of the result indicator Number of tourists overnights in the CBC region with 348.
Following the importance of the website and online platform for project implementation (communication features, hosting the digital map etc.), we estimate a number of 3000 visits/ sessions during the implementation period.
Target group participating to the camps and meetings organized within the project:
– 240 pupils participating to the 4 editions of Legendary Camps. At each edition will attend 30 pupils from each country, totalizing 240 pupils selected from the 6 districts.
– 48 teachers participating to the 4 editions of Legendary Camps. Each group of 5 pupils will be accompanied by 5 teachers, selected from the 6 districts.
– 60 representatives of public, national and local institutions, NGOs and associations working in the area of investigation, keeping and dissemination of the cultural and natural heritage, teachers (eg. history teachers, geography teachers, foreign languages teachers), (30 from Romania and 30 from Bulgaria) selected from the 6 districts.
The project directly contributes to the achievement of the Output indicator I9 – Number of integrated tourism products/services created = 2, namely Legendary Map and Legendary Camp. The Legendary Map will consist of a printed map with the target area where the places related to legends will be marked by suggestive drawings. The map will be a very useful product for the people travelling in the area and will stimulate them to visit the respective places. The map will be completed by an interactive version of it and by an explanatory catalog, detailing the storied behind the legendary places.