
Forever for Europe Association – Lead Partner

FEA is a non-governmental, non-profit and apolitical organization. It was founded with the aim of supporting organizations, authorities and citizens in the EU integration process.

The main objectives of FEA are: Facilitating the access of citizens, both in urban and rural areas to information on all EU areas of activities; Assisting SMEs and other organizations and institutions in the preparation and implementation of projects to obtain grants from EU; Stimulating partnerships and networks at local, regional, national and EU level; Promoting human rights, equal opportunities and non-discrimination; Regional development through human resources development and CVT; Developing entrepreneurial spirit in the region; Improve the quality of education; Protecting the environment and bio-diversity; Preservation of cultural heritage and traditions.

FEA is a NGO with extensive experience in both the implementation of European projects (7 grant projects as beneficiary and 11 projects as partner) and in carrying activities on human resources development, promoting the cultural and natural heritage, environmental and bio-diversity protection, social inclusion of people from disadvantaged categories and running information activities in all fields related to EU integration.

FEA has experience in coordinating centers for tourism, it manages an information center for promoting transnational in RO-BG region, center established through INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme.

Since 2008 we are hosting Europe Direct Craiova information center and, during this period, we had results such as: 26 printed publications (brochures, newsletters etc.) in over 10.000 copies, 26 workshops, 10 editions of Little EU Citizen (regional event organized on 9th of May each year), over 140 contributions to regional mass-media and many others.

Between 2012 and 2014 we carried an extensive information campaign on the protection of environment in the Ciuperceni-Desa protected area in schools and local authorities from the area: field trips, seminars, workshops, website, information materials etc.

Since 2016 we are promoting the cultural and natural heritage from Dolj and Montana districts through a project financed under INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme. Under this project we are promoting 20 most important cultural and natural heritage objectives through movies, publications, presentations, developing a new touristic product, namely Green School Education, an Information Tourism Center, media campaign and others.

Also, FEA holds great expertise in developing and managing partnerships with local, regional and transnational entities.

Previous EU financing experience


1. INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria

2. Green School Education as a Promotion of Sustainable Use of Cultural and Natural Heritage and Resources

3. ROBG-3

4. February 3rd 2016 – August 2nd 2017

5. Lead Beneficiary Association Center for Development Montanesium, Beneficiary Forever for Europe Association

6. Objective 1 is to be developed and promoted a new CBC tourist product named GSE on the territory of Montana district, BG based on integrated tourist services; Objective 2 is to be established TIC in Craiova, RO to provide integrated services and Objective 3 is to be promoted the common potential of Montana and Dolj districts for a better tourist stream through elaboration and broadcasting 20 films, radio adds, catalogues, educational and promotional materials etc.

Main project activities: Production and broadcasting of 20 /twenty/ 15-minute Eng-BG-RO educational-information films promoting the cultural and natural heritage of Montana and Dolj districts; Organization and carrying out of a 5-day course of GSE /in BG/ per each of three target groups of pupils /three courses totally/ – up to 12 years old, up to 14 years old and up to 16 years old; Establishment of TIC in Craiova, RO; Organization of a three-day Teachers Forum in RO; Production of promotional catalogues, materials and articles for GSE directed to the target groups.

7. The total project budget is 693.904,93 EUR.



1. Project financed by EU Commission as the Decision C (2012) 4158 of 21/06/2012 on grants for financing host structures Europe Direct Information Centers in the EU for 2013-2017

2. EUROPE DIRECT Craiova information center

3. AC 13/2013-2017

4. January 1st 2013 – December 31st 2017

5. Schools from Dolj county, local authorities

6. Organizing events for citizens and specific groups: students, pupils, youngsters, business representatives, and people in rural areas. Information and awareness activities, school competitions in order to increase awareness and involvement among students, providing concise and updated information focused on EU topics, adapted to the understanding level of children and young people and linked to the communication priorities of the EU Commission. For example, each year we have the competition: Little EU Citizen to celebrate Europe day on 9th of May, where the main target groups are pupils and schools of all over Dolj county, Craiova and surroundings.

7. Annual grant of 20.000 EUR/year



1. ERDP, RO Operational Program for Environment

2. Management plan and disseminating information about Ciuperceni – Desa protected area

3. SMIS-CSNR 37310

4. May 2012 – May 2014

5. Not the case

6. Information and public awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation in the protected area of community interest Ciuperceni-Desa, through information and environmental education. Create a web page for information on species of national importance/ community and habitats protected area. Creating and editing promotional materials on species and habitats of national and Community levels on the surface of the protected area to implement the actions of public awareness. Awareness seminars for pupils. Awareness seminars for local authorities. Activities in nature.

7. 775.000 EUR



1. ESF,RO Operational Program Human Resources Development

2. TRAVAIL-The transition from school to active life in order to integrate on the labor the high school students from Dolj

3. POS DRU/161/2.1/G/136067

4. May 2014 – October 2015

5. Dolj county School Inspectorate, AUDAX (Lisbon, Portugal), EDUFOR Association

6. Running information campaigns, offering career guidance and counseling, offering support services (visits to universities and companies, training camps), organizing practical stages to companies in Romania and Portugal, elaborating good practices manuals and guides for over 400 high-school students from Craiova

7. 500.000 EUR

Private Benefit Association “Agency for Development of North-West Bulgaria” – Project partner

Association for Private Benefit “Association for Development of North-western Bulgaria” is  a non-governmental, non-profit organization  which aims are to contribute to the regional development of North Western Bulgaria and smoothing the differences both within the region and compared to other Bulgarian regions; to contribute to the process of economic development of the region; to treat and handle environmental problems and to work for the solution thereof; to perform activities supporting the tourism’s development; to perform activities supporting the cross-border cooperation; to support the human rights protection; to support the protection of the historic and cultural memory of the Bulgarians.

Association for Private Benefit “Association for Development of North-west Bulgaria” is  an organization established within the project “Always Closely, always together“  financed under PHARE 2005 PROGRAME CBC BULGARIA-SERBIA. In this project the organization worked as a CBC Center supporting cross-border economic development providing services for Bulgarian and Serbian SMEs. The overall objective of the project was to develop and manage the border area’s territory in a co-ordinated and integrated way between the two sides of the border and initiating of events with high CBC effect. At the present moment the Association’s permanent staff and some volunteers are available to assist the activities of the organization. The association took part in the implementation of the project “The Alternative tourism as an Instrument for Economic Development”, financed under Bulgaria-Serbia IPA Cross-Border Program 2007-2013 as a part from the project’s target groups. During the participation in the projects events by this project, the representative of the association signed a Memorandum for co-operation in the area of alternative tourism with the teachers’ association “Logos” city of Pirot, Republic of Serbia. The focus of activities of the association is a development of partnerships in different areas to be strengthened the cohesion especially in the sphere of NGOs sector, tourism activities, educational system and training initiatives. The Association’s permanent staff and the volunteers will take part in the implementation of a project activities directed to tourism activities. From its creation to the current moment “Association for Development of North-west Bulgaria” is being developed as an institution to correspond with available requirements and needs in the CBC region.

Previous EU financing experience

Association for Private Benefit “Association for Development of North-west Bulgaria” worked as a CBC Center supporting cross-border economic development under the project “Always Closely, always together“  financed under PHARE 2005 PROGRAME CBC BULGARIA-SERBIA. The overall objective of the project was to develop and manage the border area’s territory in a coordinated and integrated way between the two sides of the border and initiating of events with high CBC effect. During the implementation of above mentioned project the association provided services for Bulgarian and Serbian SMEs in the area of the project implementation and management of the CBC projects, opportunities for funding from internal and external programs, preparation of the project proposals and etc.

For more information about the programme please visit the site